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    Dog-Friendly Downtown

New pick-up bag dispensers have been installed to help keep our city (and our shoes!) clean and saves our pups the embarrassment of their owner not having a poop bag when nature calls!

We love our four-legged friends and Downtown Syracuse is a great place to bring your whole family, including your dog! The Downtown Syracuse Foundation has installed three pick-up bag dispensers throughout the district to help keep our streets, parks and walking paths clean.

Why cleaning up after your dog is important:

  • Dog poop is classified as a pollutant, not fertilizer--it destroys grass.
  • Some dog poop contains harmful organisms such as e. coli and parasitic worms.
  • Rain washes dog poop into water systems, infiltrating drinking and swimming water.
  • It’s a dog owner’s responsibility to clean up after their pet.
  • No one wants to step in dog poop, human or canine!

Next time you are walking your dog in Downtown Syracuse, use our pick-up bags to clean up after your pup. If you'd like to see more of these dispensers installed in Downtown Syracuse, we ask you to donate to the Downtown Syracuse Foundation.

* The Downtown Syracuse Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code and any donations received will be formally acknowledged in accordance with IRS Regulations.